Video Preroll

Mobile & Desktop


High-performance video player with targeted content

Also available with Audio ON and “click to play” options.

Format Video: MP4
Size (px) 1280 x 720
Maximum Weight 10 MB
URL To be provided by the customer
Redirect VAST 3.0 in https

VAST Standard 3.0 and VPAID HTML5 (no VPAID Flash). Only redirect Urls with HTTPS protocol will be accepted (all elements of redirect creativity must be called in safe mode)

If the video is longer than 15 seconds, a button must be provided to allow the ad to be skipped after 5 seconds. This button must be included in the redirect creativity.

Creativity rotation
With the exceptions agreed with the Netaddiction referents, you can choose to rotate creativities associated with the same tag, but only if all of the same duration. Tags that recall multiple creativities of different lengths are not allowed.