Mobile Skin

Mobile & Desktop


Crafted to seamlessly integrate with the mobile environment, the format remains fixed for a few seconds at the top of the page before disappearing.

Great attention to impact with core web vitals. Available in various sizes, it can also host videos.

Also available on desktop.

Format Static: PNG, JPG, WEBP – Video: MP4
Maximum Weight Skin 150 KB – Video 15s max 3mb
URL To be provided, by the customer

Link or Tracking Url (dynamic version only)
The URL should not be inserted or modified in the creativity.

Click count tracking
Optional: you should provide a click command that tracks the landing page.

Impression count tracking
Optional: you should provide a tracking pixel.
Only tracking pixels with HTTPS protocol will be accepted (all elements of creativity must be recalled in safe mode) and up to a maximum of two. Trackings not complying with the above will be excluded from publication.