
Mobile & Desktop


Easy implementation for a dynamic format, featuring the option of connection via Prebid or standard JS with high RPM. Special attention is given to SEO impact and core web vitals. Customizable features include page landing time, ‘X’ button, graphical elements, and frequency cap.

Format GIF, JPG
Size (px) Mobile (768 x 1024) – Desktop (1250 x 750)
Maximum Weight Mobile (100 Kb) – Desktop (150Kb)

Link or tracking Url (dynamic version only)
The URL should not be inserted or modified in the creativity.

Click count tracking
Optional: you should provide a click command that tracks the landing page.

Impression count tracking
Optional: you should provide a tracking pixel.
Only tracking pixels with HTTPS protocol will be accepted (all elements of creativity must be recalled in safe mode) and up to a maximum of two. Trackings not complying with the above will be excluded from publication.